Wellness & Fitness
Guest Author – Pippa… Astrology & the Energy Body
Between the 6th and 8th centuries a piece of writing known now as ‘The Emerald Tablet’ emerged. It was purportedly written by Hermes Trismegistus, a now legendary figure, maybe in Egypt or the Middle East. In the 18th Century this 'Emerald Tablet’ writing was found...
International Day of the Girl & Mental Health Awareness
I couldn't let this week go by without waiting to find the time to be able to write about two international events that have drawn attention to some of the most difficult issues we face as societies around the world. The first is the International Day of the Girl...
Detox Your Home for Conception
Why should we detox and how can we do it around the home? The average women carries more than 120 chemicals every day when she steps outside of the house, due to a combination of food she eats, that may contain herbicides, GMO and pesticides, household cleaning...
The 5 Minute Fertility Work Out
Why We Should All be Supportive of Women Having Children When Older
Recent news of the declining fertility rates worldwide triggered alarm bells as to what is currently driving these trends within our societies and what this means for our future generations. Yet interestingly, the only growing group of women having children is the...
Should you be detoxing before getting pregnant?
The start of a brand new year is often popular for getting on the latest health craze or diet, and prioritising our health and fitness. It’s also a popular time to start trying for a baby. But should we necessarily combine the two together? Though I’m not a fan of...
Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby!
When it comes to talking about sex for fertility, the trouble is that the whole process can become akin to a militaristic operation, involving a carefully timed pee on a stick to tell if it’s the “right time” to have it, the endless monitoring of discharge and body...
Dr. Larisa Corda has been featured on...
Let's Talk
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Charterhouse Clinic London
Address: 98 Crawford Street, Marylebone London W1H 2HL
+44 (0) 207 723 7084
London Lauriston Clinic
Address: 34 Great Titchfield Street,
020 4511 0444
Message me to schedule an in person or online appointment. I look forward to working with you.