

Autumn Recipes – Chicory & Goats Cheese Salad

Serves 2   Ingredients 75g pasteurised goats cheese, or other hard cheese, sliced or crumbled. 2  heads of Chicory, root trimmed, leaves separated, washed and dried in salad spinner 1 fennel bulb, finely sliced using a knife, vegetable peeler or mandolin 1 large...

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Time for a detox?

Time for a detox?

OK, so I, like a lot of people out there, am partial to a bit of Tiramisu, which happens to be one of my fave desserts. But, given the facts out there about non-organic dairy; that it interferes with hormones, adversely affects our gut microbiome and leaves the...

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Dr. Larisa Corda has been featured on...

The Conception Plan book cover

Nutrition is an important pillar of the Conception Plan

Read more about it in Dr. Larisa’s book

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Women's Wellness Centre

274 Fulham Rd., Chelsea Walk, London  SW10 9EW, U.K.

+44 (0)207 751-4488


Charterhouse Clinic London

Address: 98 Crawford Street, Marylebone London W1H 2HL

+44 (0) 207 723 7084

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