I don’t often get much time off, but this past week I decided to devote myself towards doing all the stuff that gives me true inner happiness and let’s my soul breathe. Though I try and maintain healthy habits no matter how busy I am in my normal life, it’s really important from time to time to physically isolate yourself in a space that you can focus on the now and be fully present in.

For me, this place is in nature, which literally somehow magically manages to still my mind and helps me to feel at peace and at one with the world and is great for clearing stress. It’s no secret that one of my favourite places to do this is @middle_piccadilly where we also took our three couples currently on #theconceptionplan 💖 It was a magical place for them too. There’s something about where it’s situated (more on this coming in a blog on my website) that is so spiritual and devoted to helping creating life here on Earth.

My meals were all clean and raw, one of the most effective ways to reboot your metabolism and detox, and mornings were spent doing yoga, which I have come to realise is my favouite form of exercise. I love how it makes me feel, centered and grateful and appreciative of what I have. I also love the country walks and this time, there was a whole wood full of the most beautiful bluebells whose scent was totally amazing. Watching the sunset whilst inhaling their aroma was just magical.

I loved the shamanic, hand on heart and crystal healing as well as hypnosis, and several rituals devoted to exploring the divine inner feminine. I even had water gifted to me from the well at the base of the Cerne Abbas giant which, if you’ve been watching The Conception Plan on This Morning, is a legendary statue with potent fertile powers!

I couldn’t think of a more blessed way to complete #earthmonth and spend #vegweek in a place totally devoted to Mother Earth and all its beautiful creation.

With thanks to my wonderful host @the_lifestylechef and Eliana, Claire as well as @mellulahyoga 💕 Stay tuned for some exciting things I’ll be sharing with you based around stress relief and time devoted towards your own spiritual self growth in the lead up to pregnancy.