Hooray to 41 years of IVF and an epic birthday celebration for one very special lady @louisejoybrown I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Louise on a number of occasions and this is a #tbt to last year’s @thefertilityshow in London where Louise launched her book. She is one of the sweetest souls I’ve been blessed to spend time with and I love how passionate she is about increasing the conversation around infertility, though she is a rather reluctant icon, totally humble and as down to earth as you can get  I’m sharing my conversation with Louise from last November over on my stories today in honour of this amazing milestone.

If I wrote all I wanted to say about how proud and privileged I feel to be part of a profession that has helped to create over 8 million babies around the world and transform the lives of even more since its inception, I would totally run out of space. So, instead, I’ll restrict myself to say a massive thank you to all the men and women who put their faith in this science and in us professionals to change their lives, to my fellow doctors, nurses, embryologists, clinic managers, health care assistants and cleaners who work tirelessly to ensure people can have access to this science, to the charities such as @ivfbabble @national_fertility_ society@fertilitynetworkuk @endometriosisness who continue to campaign for equality of access across the country, to the researchers who challenge the status quoe and push towards new frontiers, to 3 of my biggest icons Edwards, Steptoe and Purdy whose courage, conviction of faith and determination made all of this possible in the first place. I salute you and am honoured to be a small part of this whole revolution May we continue to insist on justice, fairness and equality for all when it comes to building families, allowing everyone who faces the burden of infertility to have the help they deserve.